Well, here it is. The ramblings of a person finding the universe, or found in the universe, on his way somewhere, or maybe somewhere else. I stopped writing a diary, and the copious e-mails I was writing aswell, so I thought somewhere to post thoughts would be a start too. And that, pretentious first paragraph aside, is pretty much it.
So, about me. I recently turned 30. I did a bunch of stuff with my life up to this point, some of it interesting, some possibly not. I just finished off a 50,000km trip around Australia in a land cruiser with two people who started out as friends, and I can assure you that ten months in a landcruiser is a good way to test out a friendship. I was going to head on to New Zealand from Australia, and take advantage of the year long working holiday visa, but circumstances were not to be. The universe had some new plans for me, and provided me with a rather beautiful girlfriend, so the trip to New Zealand was to be postponed to take a trip to Germany for the summer and see what may happen there.
This blog will just contain some of my ramblings. Thoughts on love, life, the universe. Thoughts on why no-one has seen the potential of the photos I take and decided to put them online, darn it. Thoughts as to how to turn a 200,000 word diary of a year long trip into a book. Thoughts as to how life is so amazing, and how lucky I am to get to live it. Lets see how this journey goes hmm 🙂
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