Photography. It’s all about capturing the light, and rainbows are a pretty raw form of that substance. I challenge anyone not to be amazed by their colour and beauty, the way they appear to follow you, or run away from you, always elusive, always stunning. Below are some of my favourite rainbow photos that I […]
Archives for September 2010
Tips for your first time in New Zealand
Today’s post comes from Amanda Williams of A Dangerous Business. Amanda lived in New Zealand for a number of months, and kindly agreed to share her tips on what to do as a first timer in NZ. Enjoy! Tips For Your First Time in New Zealand So you’re planning a trip to New Zealand. Aotearoa. […]
4 More Highlights of Western Australia – Blowholes and pinnacles
I did a post recently on my highlights of Western Australia, where I covered my four favourite spots in Western Australia. Unfortunately, after much thinking, I have concluded that it’s just too much of an amazing place to be happy with only highlighting four spots. Here, therefore, are four more spots that you should try […]
What is Depth of Field in Photography and How to Achieve It
Today I’m going to share some basic photography tips, as part of my series of photography tips. This post will cover depth of field in photography. First, we’ll look at what depth of field is, then we’ll cover how to achieve it with your camera, and finally look at situations where you might want to […]
Photo theme – Waterfalls
I always find flowing water to be mesmerising, be it in the form of waves, rivers, or as the case with the photos here, falling over edges. The power of a waterfall can hold my attention for an age, watching the water tumble endlessly onto the ground below. These shots show some of the waterfalls […]
A visit to Hitler’s bunker
We spent a night over at Vera’s grandparents cottage in the countryside this weekend, the location I have previously described as being almost James Bond like in it’s wonderful sixties vibe. I may have mentioned then, as I will also now, that the cottage is near the site of one of Hitler’s bunkers from the […]
Highlights of Western Australia
Western Australia. A state so big and varied that you could easily mistake it for a country in its own right. From the giant trees of the south, to the harsh desert of the centre, to the rugged coastline and wilderness of the north, and finally to the cosmopolitan delights of Perth, there is something […]
Close encounters of the camping kind
One of the great things about being on the road and staying in a different place nearly every night is the variety of people you meet. My year long trip around Australia was certainly no exception. We were living fairly basically under canvas, which took us to some pretty out of the way locations for […]
Tips and Advice for Visiting Fraser Island
Given that previous entries in this series have focused on entire states, it may seem a bit odd to dedicate an entire article to one small island off the Queensland coast where we only spent three days. But Fraser is a very special island, and I believe you will agree, entirely worthy of it’s own […]
Going offroad – things to know
When I set off on my trip around Australia in 2009, I knew very little about off road driving. After completing the 60,000km road trip around Australia in an off-road vehicle, covering surfaces from smooth tarmac to unsealed gravel to, well, no clearly definable surface at all, I thought I would share some of the […]
Four amazing outback Australia film sets
In case Australia didn’t already have enough to offer you, what with the endlessly beautiful outback, the stunning and often empty beaches, the mountains to climb, the surf to ride, and so on, here are some reasons that might give the film buffs out there some extra excuses to visit on top of everything else. […]