I’ve been a travel blogger professionally since 2010. I’m often asked what that’s like, how to become a travel blogger, how I started my own travel blog, how we got our travel blogs to where they are today and how we make money as travel bloggers. After all, we travel for a living. It’s the […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Green Global Travel
In today’s travel blogging tips interview (the 27th in the series!), I’m shining a spotlight on a green corner of the travel blogging world – namely the lovely Bret and Mary, the blogging couple behind Green Global Travel. Set up nearly two years ago, these guys are on a mission to save the world, one […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Leave your daily hell
In today’s travel blogging tips article I’m delighted to be able to share with you the thoughts of Robert Schrader, the creative talent behind Leave Your Daily Hell. Robert believes that travel should be something that everyone is able to experience, regardless of income, and his site focuses on how folk can travel more for […]
Celebrating two years of blogging! (and some things I’ve learnt on the way)
Cheers! My blog has just turned two, which as far as I can tell, means it’s about ready to walk and talk on its own. Kindergarten is probably just around the corner. To mark the occasion, I’ve written this shamelessly self congratulatory post (the 331st post of the site!), to celebrate the fact that my […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Travel yourself
In today’s travel blogging tips interview I’ve been able to grab hold of Cailin O’Neil, the writing and video talent behind no less than three travel blogs covering her life, her travel stories and food. There was me thinking one site was hard enough to run! Cailin is the first person I’ve interviewed in this […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Hecktic Travels
Today I am delighted to be interviewing an awesome travel blogging couple, Pete and Dalene Heck of Hecktic Travels. See what they did there? Pete and Dalene came up with the plan of travelling the world way back in 2007, but it wasn’t until they managed to sell their house (and everything else!) in 2009 […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Nomadic Samuel
In today’s travel blogging tips article, I’m delighted to be featuring Samuel Jeffrey, better known as the man behind Nomadic Samuel, as well as the happy smiling faces of Smiling Faces Travel Photos. Samuel burst onto the travel blogging scene with a tremendous bang last July, getting the sort of positive start that most folk […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Happiness Plunge
Today’s interview in my travel blogging tips series is with the happy man behind the happy site Happiness Plunge: Adam Pervez. Adam has been travelling since January 2011, with a slightly different approach to many long term travellers, which he explains in the interview. His key message, which rings very true with me, is the […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Nomadic Notes
Today’s travel blogging tips article features a blogger who has been successfully living a location independent lifestyle for eight years. James Clark is the author of travel blog Nomadic Notes. On the road since 2003, James confesses he needs only his laptop, an internet connection and a pillow to keep himself going. As well as […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Fevered Mutterings
Today I am delighted to be interviewing a travel blogger who seems to always be getting himself into tragic circumstances, and then writing about it with wit and humour. He doesn’t really need much more introduction than that – I am of course talking about Mike Sowden, author of travel blog Fevered Mutterings. In this […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: My Beautiful Adventures
After a brief hiatus, I am delighted to be publishing another article in the series of travel blogging tips. Today’s article features the lovely Andi Perullo, author of My Beautiful Adventures. Shortly to be married (congratulations :)), Andi’s blog features updates on her travels, thoughts on her life, guest posts and even fashion advice. Unlike […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: A Dangerous Business
This weeks travel blogging tips article features one of my favourite travel bloggers: Amanda Williams, author of travel blog A Dangerous Business. Amanda and I share a passion for New Zealand, and she has already provided me with a wonderfully comprehensive post on what to do when in the land of the long white cloud, […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts – Hole in the Donut
In today’s travel blogging tips article I am delighted to be interviewing Barbara Weibel, author of travel blog Hole in the Donut World Travel. Barbara is a travel blogger who has made travelling her life, and her travel blog generates sufficient income to fund this dream – the aspiration of many a blogger. Barbara focuses […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Bacon is Magic
In today’s travel blogging tips article I am delighted to be featuring Ayngelina Brogan, author of the wonderfully titled blog: Bacon is Magic. Currently travelling in Latin America, on a journey that has lasted almost a year, Ayngelina set off with the intention of finding out more about herself and her life. Nearly a year […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Traveling Canucks
Today, in the tenth (I know, how did we get to ten already!) post in the series where I probe the minds of experienced and knowledgeable travel bloggers for their travel blogging tips, I am delighted to be interviewing Cam and Nicole, better known as the Traveling Canucks. Hailing, as you can probably tell by […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Go, See, Write
This week’s travel blogging tips article features Michael Hodson, author of travel blog Go, See, Write. Michael has been blogging for nearly four years – practically forever in blogging terms. When not blogging or travelling, he splits his time carefully between smoking cigars, watching Casablanca and playing Bocce on his full size court. Michael’s site […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: As We Travel
Another travelling couple take centre stage for this weeks travel blogging tips interview: Nathan and Sofia of travel blog aswetravel.com. Nathan and Sofia have maintained a travel blog under various guises for a number of years now, with aswetravel.com launched a year ago. The main focus of the blog is to provide travel tips for […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: yTravelBlog
This weeks travel blogging tips interview features two awesome travellers: Caroline and Craig Makepeace, authors of travel site yTravelBlog. Craig and Caz, originally from Australia, have spent oodles of time travelling, between them covering over 35 countries in ten years on the road. Now they have returned to Australia, where they have a daughter, and […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: foXnoMad
This weeks travel blogging tips article features Anil, author of tech-centric travel blog foXnoMad.com. As well as providing excellent travel advice, Anil publishes all sorts of information about travelling with technology. On top of running foXnoMad Anil also finds the time to run three other sites of a travel themed nature, including one focusing on […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Nomadic Matt
Today in my ongoing series of travel blogging articles I am interviewing Matt Kepnes – better known as Nomadic Matt – author of the hugely popular travel blog nomadicmatt.com. Matt has achieved the goal towards which many travel bloggers aspire – that of turning his travel blogging from a hobby into a full time profession. Today […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Brendan van Son
In today’s travel blogging tips article I am pleased to be interviewing Brendan van Son, author of travel site The World Is My Jungle Gym / Brendan’s Adventures. As well as running a successful travel site which details his many travels and photos from around the world, Brendan maintains and updates the list of Top […]
Travel blogging tips from the experts: Gary Arndt of Everything Everywhere
Today marks the start of a new series of articles where I reach out to the travel blogging community and get their insights into the world of travel blogging. I will be delving into their thoughts as to why they blog, what makes a successful blogger, and the sort of things you might want to […]